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Personal Training Questionnaire Form
Fitness coaching can help you to meet the goals that you have for your fitness when you take the time to develop a solid relationship with the coaching professional. It is the coach’s objective to motivate you and hold you accountable for achieving your goals. From an outside standpoint, a fitness coach may be able to see areas of concern that you are not able to discern. In that sense, the process raises your awareness of a different way to handle your fitness goals.
What is Expected of the Client
The client is expected to attend each session on time and ready to work. They may need to be open to changes in their goals as the coaching process evolves. Coaches are not judgmental but impartial. To that end, coaches will ask the tough questions and expect the tough answers in order for growth to take place both personally and professionally, but only as it pertains to the clients fitness goals. However, clients do maintain the right to decide what topics to cover and to terminate a subject if they don’t want to discuss it further.
What is Expected of the Coach
The coach is expected to listen to the client and their desires and work within that guideline as much as possible. Guidelines will be set down for each session ahead of time so that the client is aware of what behavior will and won’t be tolerated. The goal of each coaching session is to work through setbacks the client may have, clarify goals through exercises and find ways to move forward on goals with the client, i.e. creating action items. The client is expected to hold themselves accountable for what they do and don’t do to make these sessions productive.
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Your goals or aims are what you intend to achieve. Research shows a positive link between people with clearly thought-out goals and their level of success.
7. What does your typical day look like?
If you currently do NOT exercise, please go to question 20
24. Please list out what a typical day of eating looks like for you. Please be as specific as you can and include portion sizes if possible. Do not forget to include drinks.
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Commitment and Attitude Agreement
I have volunteered to participate in a programme of physical exercise under the instruction of a trainer. Training may include, but is not limited to, weight and/or resistance training, cardiovascular training, and floor mat exercises.
I realise that a large portion of my success will be based on my commitment to follow instruction, changing my lifestyle, and my attitude towards the fitness programme. Unfortunately The Gym cannot guarantee results, but my willingness to work hard will improve the opportunity of success.
I have read the above policy and agree to its terms as it applies to my personal training package.
Tap or click on the signature above to sign